Marketing and Sales Assistant

Delighted to accept the exciting opportunity in a new field, I joined ptc. in 2023, as a Marketing and Sales Assistant. My key areas at ptc. encompass bid and proposal preparation for all incoming clients. With my past experience working with various consultants, I can immerse myself in the client’s position and understand their needs. I hope to contribute to ptc.‘s success with clients and the company’s warm and energetic workplace environment.

Prior to ptc., I graduated from The University of Sydney with Honours, majoring in International Relations and International Business. I have also worked in the property development field.

Outside of work, I spend much of my time playing the piano and listening to classical music; a great passion of mine for two decades. I love to play badminton with friends and family, and also relish slow afternoon strolls, feeding some neighbourhood cats if I’m lucky.

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Marketing and Sales Manager
Traffic Engineer
Civil Engineer

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